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Sunday, September 17, 2023

A Fool's Paradise by Diosa Xochiquetzalcoatl

A Fool’s Paradise

by Diosa Xochiquetzalcoatl 


Holler, dollar. No more squalor.

Buying dreams we can’t devour.

Making green peeps turn to sour.

Weeds-a-plenty versus flowers. 

Time to wash. Get in the shower.

Halt the life consumeristic,

Being pro-materialistic.

Time to stop the modern sheeple.

Go and make the world a steeple.

Holler! Stop the dollar, dreamer!

Wake from slumber! Kill the reaper!

Wake you silly, dormant sleeper!

Holler! Louder! Wake the masses!

Time! Dismantle human classes!

Fucking categorical molasses!

Pinches reglas made by asses!

Holler! Louder! Fuck you, dollar!

Fuck the systems! Disempower!

Set aflame! Today’s your hour!

Rise my peeps, and feel your power!

Kill the dollar! Kill the greed!

Kill the ass who thinks it’s steed!

No time left for make believe.

Hear the message, please take heed. 

Holler!! Scream!! Today’s the hour!!

Rise my peeps, and feel your power!!

I Want a Love Like Lewis and Gresham

I don’t want the kind of husband with whom to sleep with through the night.

I do not seek validation in times of celebration or on occasions of terrible fright.

I want a lover who is willing to grasp my hand in that moment -my darkest hour,

one who is willing to hold me during the last crumblings of my human tower.

I want a husband who will let me live independently and all alone, 

and let me die in his loving arms when it is time for me to go home. 


Do You Hear What I Hear?

The winds do call.

What say they?

Are you anchored?

Are you rooted like the mighty Redwood?

If so, are those roots strong and vibrant and in good health?

For you will never know which way the winds will come.

You will never know their true depth

be they Red or Blue or White or Black. 

Are you ready for what they bring?

Are you strong enough to hold firm?

Flexible enough to bend not break?

Be at peace

knowing you know enough

to know you know nothing. 

Be at peace

knowing you are fully prepared 

for that which we can never expect.

Il Paradiso

Where all your dreams come true!

Vieni qui!

Wake up you silly rabbit!

There is a reason dreams only come true in your sleep.

In your waking state, you’ve gotta work hard

to make your needs, wants, and desires a reality.


Dance of the Arachnids

Walk like a spider.

Never linear.

Never steady-paced.

Maybe it is more of a dance than a walk.

We, the spiders and I, seem to move 

in a rhythmically arrhythmic sort of way.

The more I observe, 

the more I realize,

it is a tango we tangle with.

Two steps forward.


Two steps back.


Slide to the side.


Hop-skip across the floor.

Slowly glide back 

in zig-zag motion.

The spiders and I,

we love to tangle with the tango.

Even Assholes Need Allies

And no, not to a-lie for them! To call them out on their shit!

To be a shoulder to lean and cry on when their ego takes a hit.

An ally is a helper, the one who supports an ongoing struggle.

Yet, an ally is not the one to make magic in the world of an asshole muggle.

Everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance.

But if the asshole refuses to change, they’ll lose the ally’s supportive stance.

The asshole will ultimately suffer the loss of the only assistance left.

And once deprived of that last support, his only friend will then be Death.

Because no one can forgive a second chance!

And if they do, they’d better be ready to join that muther fucker in hell! 

Por tonta

Cuando más te quise, no estuviste.

Y todo por mi maldito orgullo.

Tu querías, pero yo no.

Tú me amabas, pero yo no.

Y ahora que me encuentro naufragando entre los recuerdos.

Como anhelo aquellos momentos.

Aquellas sonrisas.

Aquellas desveladas sin ningún sentido.

Que se sentían como sueño hecho realidad.

Sueños que nunca imagine poder tener.

Sueños que nunca más tendré. 

Por orgullo. No, por miedo.

Aunque nunca entendiste ese pavor del cual yo sufría silenciosamente.

Y que nunca llegaras a entender.

Lo que más temía, ocurre precisamente.

Cuando más te quiero, más me olvidas.

Por tonta.

Por siempre. 

Hot Potatoes

In the past, 

I would have dropped them like hot potatoes. 

But now, 

I throw on a pair of pot holders. 

I pick them back up. 

I revisit. 

I observe.

I learn. 

My, my Adrianita! 

How you've grown!

The Definition of Community

U is for universal, the place where we become one.

N is no, you are not alone, where ties are never undone.

I is for interconnection, the web that we all weave.

T is for togetherness, the support that we give and receive.

Y is for you and I and every single human that breathes,

- the why we seek peace and freedom for generations to come.


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