Create your own Poetic Libretto (16 pages of poetry and photos) and send it to Your Poetic Libretto will be posted on this site and you will be invited to perform it at a Poetic Libretto Jubilee on Saturday Afternoon Poetry's Zoom channel early next year

Saturday, August 26, 2023

I Will Never Live in a World without Cars by Don Kingfisher Campbell


1 > UNO Party! (03 04 2023)

2 > To Thank You (03 06 2023)

3 > After the rain (03 06 2023)

4 > “The Joshua Parade” (03 19 2023)

5 > Alistair’s Stare (03 19 2023)

6 > “Serious Cloud Bank” (03 19 2023)

7 > Dynamic Dawn (03 30 2023)

8 > Chile` (04 21 2023)

9 > Carrie the Cockroach (04 27 2023)

10 > Driveway Garden (04 27 2023)

11 > Sonnet for the Ekphrastic (05 06 2023)

12 > What better way to eat on Mother’s Day… (05 14 2023)

13 > Living in a world time… (05 19 2023)

14 > W. I. F. E. (06 13 2023)

15 > I will never live in a world without cars (06 13 2023)

1 > UNO Party!


The muffins in the clear plastic

case on the dining table look

like butter and chocolate flowers


The cards my wife deals out

are red, yellow, green, and blue

like rectangular flowers


I gaze up at three birthday balloons

still tethered to the curio stand

naturally bunched like flowers


I turn to the open blind window

notice buds that will become lemons

sway because they are flowers


And my spouse is my favorite

flower to water, thinking this as

she sits and wins, munches and wins


I’m distracted, inspired to poetry,

so I lose the round like a wilted flower,

but gain a freshly budded poem


2 > To Thank You

I pull back the gauzy curtains

Step onto the white balcony

Hold on to a wooden post

Gaze upon the waves waving in

See the glorious sun setting

A few scattered clouds float like birds

Seagulls glide in the blue sky wind

And in the glowing distance

Oil tankers black silhouettes

Spoil the majestic view

Creating holes in the fabric


3 > After the rain


a partially soaked dry

leaf on the wet welcome mat

wants to come inside

4 > “The Joshua Parade”

Inspired by Alexis Rhone Fancher’s photo


Could be an extended family

of four adults, three kids lagging,

marching off to visit relatives.

Yet they do not traipse at all,

except for the wind in their spires.

They are surrounded by like trees,

rooted in place, groups, individuals,

just like humans, save for faces

and fingers and legs to walk.

So they stay, living their positions

under the shiny blue desert sky,

attached to the soil of a vast planet,

dreaming of humanity, some day

hope to saunter into complicated lives.

5 > Alistair’s Stare


One-year-old takes an inadvertent selfie

looking down into the cell phone seeing

what is up and around in a young world.

Baby blue pacifier complements his eyes,

secure the brick chimney is not a human,

for there is a hand holding a chair attached

to a familiar grandfather face with gray hair

above, with quizzical concerned expression.

All dominated by the white beamed ceiling

which is the fake sky in this room that hangs

a circular light unswitched and out of reach.

If only he could flip over, stand on the smooth

painted wood as a reverse god overseeing,

everything would still be beyond him for now.


6 > “Serious Cloud Bank”

 Inspired by Alexis Rhone Fancher’s photo


A fluffy white swath has grown

like a moist wall towering over all

humans can muster to build below:

tiny bridges, buildings, freeways.

Cars, mere toys carrying itsy bitsy

creations navigating a designed world.

The massive cloud covers everything,

temporarily blinds drivers to use wipers,

as the behemoth passes through, crying,

leaving tears everywhere, on every ounce

of concrete and rubber and glass, sinking

in to surrounding soil, ready to reincarnate

as small lives turning green, being eaten,

infesting, investing in becoming again.

7 > Dynamic Dawn


Up in pastel blue

sky clouds swarm and

turn around each other,

cause frayed rolling edges.


Unseen sun below is

a dragon breathing orange

into warring nimbus strands.

On the surface, palm


trees and power poles

reach high but don't

communicate with cool air.

It's the opposite, wind


invisibly swirls through wires

and fronds. At street

level, silent road cracks

and ages under daily


heating and movement down

into darkness. Eyes close,

wait for next morning's

display. What shall we


sight tomorrow? Traipse on

to gaze horizon where

creatures conjure models that

shadow imitate massive nature.

8 > Chile`


We bought

extremely delicious

High Flavor

Candy Hearts

red grapes

from Chile`

at Costco


I listen

to a

hard rocking

instrumental band

called Octopus

from Chile`

on YouTube


Look on

my cellphone

find it’s

near Argentina

Too bad

I’ll never

go there


I guess

I don’t

have to

I can

experience Chile`

from here

Thanks trade

9 > Carrie the Cockroach


I was born inside a wall

Surrounded by brothers and sisters

We eat crumbs and drink puddles


Then a terrible rumbling comes

The walls break open

Smoke enters every crevice


We choke to breathe the ash

We wander searching

We run out of crumbs


Only chunks of flesh

There are no more puddles

Except dried blood


A week goes by

So thirsty

A month food gone


Now we

The survivors

Are wreckage too


10 > Driveway Garden


trumpets of white calla lilies

row of spires of green onion stalks

clusters of purple suns, pink suns

succulent heads with long stubbly necks

yellow "tree" flower rises off the same stem

weed push-thru concrete crack circle

birds of paradise crane spiky orange "hair"

glasses-wearing poet observes outside barred house


11 > Sonnet for the Ekphrastic


When the penis fit the hole

We decided to put on rings

Live in a rectangular box together

Hold hands until we become spirits

Watch the sun rise and set every day

Wait for the urge to mate to return

It always does in at least one of us

So we couple and uncouple an hour

Go back to the need of sundry things

Wash up, brush up, cook up, eat up

See the golden glow on our faces

Laugh over emerging lines and spots

Words unspoken say more about two

Than anything this poet can assemble


12 > What better thing to

eat on Mother's Day

than organic eggs


for buttered French toast

with syrup all made

from underpaid labor


and nuts and grapes

and raisins and oranges

arduously picked from trees


and mango juice bought

from an outlet store

run by a woman


my wife rouses from bed

to find a man who loves her

cooked breakfast because of she


13 > Living in a world time

That occasionally rhymes


Where you learn easily

To love a familial entity

Much bigger than you

Who picks you up and

Holds you tenderly


You become larger

Until the day comes

When you step and wait

To live on a planet

Where you try to equate


Ultimately the hour rounds

Where around you watch

The frail exist bedbound

As seconds tick

Breaths faint sound


Then release from hell

Into a non-existent spell

A plane where life develops

Mouth, ears, eyes in shell

That turns and rots well


Feeds the ground gain

Where new creatures

Work along the chain

To reach the moment of

Inhale again and again


Where intake of water, milk

Apples, oranges, bananas

Rice, noodles, buns, fun

Hugs, kisses, copulation

Nurture self-replication


All made possible where fraught

The gift of movement

Language and thought

Examination of being sought

Implements innate desires

14 > W. I. F. E.


Pretty lady in Wendy's munches French fries one by one and looks out the plate glass windows with smoky big sunglasses perched above her forehead

Frame arms tucked into the waterfall of her long straight smooth silky black hair raised a little by a small tortoise shell colored spider clip

She's wearing a slim black stretchy fabric unzipped black jacket (with Hurley printed in white down the left sleeve) to reveal a line of cleavage dividing the smiling edge of her black low-cut tee shirt

A stylish stripe stitched Nautica embossed between two lines black cellphone purse is slung over one shoulder to lay on her lap

Where tight black jeans conform to her legs and end with new shiny black vinyl low-rise boots whose rubber heels rest on the restaurant high stool tiny brass bar footrest

15 > I will never live in a world without cars


My wife didn't feel like cooking tonight because she hurt her pinky playing basketball with me at the park in the morning

So we stopped shooting and I drove her to the nearby Ross to shop for cool clothes since it was Senior Tuesday

While we were waiting in line I saw an old girlfriend in the next aisle looking at merchandise

I immediately turned and said nothing

Here we are now at the Wendy's where my ex-wife liked to dispense Diet Dr. Pepper from the self-serve machine

I drink the same formula and look out the windows at autos passing briskly to get home

Maybe we should go too

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