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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sunset Chaser by Don Kingfisher Campbell


Don Kingfisher Campbell

Sunset Chaser



a poetic libretto




1 > Go Fund Me (01 11 2025)

2 > The Los Angeles Fire Museum (01 18 2025)

3 > Meow (01 21 2025)

4 > Gaze in the Mirror (01 23 2025)

5 > Synchronized Shoes (01 27 2025)

6 > America vs China (01 29 2025)

7 > Break Time (02 01 2025)

8 > Natural Metaphor (02 03 2025)

9 > To Eternity (02 05 2025)

10 > Sunset Chaser (02 19 2025)

11 > Not Sunday (02 22 2025)


1 > Go Fund Me

(during the aftermathy)


orange glow

over horizon


hot spots line roads

helicopter vision


like they were bombed

incinerated car shells


naked chimneys

surrounded by rubble


concrete steps

lead to sooty air


harsh questions

leveled at mayor



2 > The Los Angeles Fire Museum


Rows of ash piles

used to be homes


Soot in the air, better

put on your mask now


Make way for the trucks

to haul away debris


Police and the National

Guard won't let us near


This wasteland has become

a monument to unpreparedness



3 > Meow


I'm like a cat

except I have a tail

in the front


I like to whack it like

a mole against your

hind to wake you


Hoping you'll want

to stroke gently

the stiff salamander


Then I can turn

over you to enter

your silky pouch


And do the animal

back and forth

horizontal shuffle


Until my amphibian

spits out pleasure

inside your lining


Your paws grab

my ass for a job

well performed


Guess we’re both

animals that enjoy

being recreated


4 > Gaze in the Mirror


Where do I begin?

I've got grey hair

dyed to redness


A large forehead

that's a little bumpy

and likes to crease

if I am surprised


Right eye is a tad

higher than the left

and my nose has

filled out a bit

over the years


My white mustache

and beard have been

colored by brown

lipstick brushed in

much less toxic

than dye I think


The weak neck

the turkey imitator

is hidden by over-

growth of facial hairs

protruding to disguise

this small chin


My neck is starting

to reveal the paths

of major arteries

as well as emerging

tiny skin tags


The torso has always

been long enough

to require tall size

but the belly seems

to now be beyond

pecs individual girths


You can call it

an increase in waist

when it's really

pleasure personified

Which brings me

to my private parts

penis couches shorter

and one ball appears

larger than the other


Good thing my hands

can still reach low

to scratch or stroke

depending on the depth

of my aroused feelings


Legs doing well as

the most unaffected

by decades of use

they get the most work

varicose veins in left

have diminished


Oh, and don't forget

my hardest workers

my feet show some

wear through years

tromped to destinations


Upon close inspection

the left toes are

kind of paired off

unlike perfect right


So, what's left,

after I expire

a lot of future

dust to return

for recycling


Where shall it go?

Maybe I should

designate now to

choose land or sea

to sprinkle my burnt

ashes around


If I am still in one

piece, bury me deep

in the quiet ground

without a casket

to make my devolution

continue on unabated

by lost mindset


To become a flower

or bush or tree

or mountain or desert

better yet food

for an itsy creature

that'll get me going

again in the chain


As for my spirit

remember it with

this poem which

merely wishes

to be correct

and catchy enough

as entertainment

of a few minutes 



5 > Synchronized Shoes


We file out the front door

march down the driveway

reach to hold each other's hand

Oooh, they're too cold

She offers her jacket sleeve

No, on second thought

let's link pinkies

Ha ha ha

We laugh like school children

skip across the street to the car

and zoom off to her therapy client




6 > America vs China


I taught her

how to play

the card game

with the culturally

appropriated title



Now she is

an UNO demon

sharply turning

the conventional

strategy on its head



My wife saves

the best cards

for last and I

have learned

from her now



We go five rounds

by choice so

the battle doesn't

go on forever

that way we stay



We laugh when

one beats the other

smile and hold

hands across the table

to assure we are still





7 > Break Time


I close the laptop

walk to the back room


my wife's office

plop onto the swivel chair


next to her

and lean backward


feel the heat of the sun

from the window


she strokes my hair

and I become good good good


glad that the fire

inside my heart





8 > Natural Metaphor


The top of my head

is a snowy hill


My eyes are pools

of muddy water


My nose is a smooth

slope of dry land


My mouth is a dark

moist cavern


My beard is bristling

brown grass in wind


My torso is a field

without much vegetation


My arms are soft

branches swaying


My penis is a stump

of a tall tree


My legs are two

paths to destination


My feet are mounds

to stand upon


Gaze out to the other

earths walking around


9 > To Eternity


My feet love your feet

Because your feet caress mine

Warming me when we are in bed

Like two gods


My legs love your legs

Because your legs bend for mine

Spooning me when we are in bed

Like two gods


My mud puppy loves your kitty

Because your kitty lets me in

Whether we are in bed or not

Like two gods


My arms love your arms

Because we take turns hugging

Each other by turning in bed

Like two gods


My fingers love your fingers

Because we hold and intertwine them

Wherever we are, not just in bed

Like two gods


My eyes love your eyes

Because we express the love

We are thinking of anywhere

We are coupled like two gods


My mind loves your mind

Because your thoughts challenge me

To be the best for you and us

Two gods growing old together


10 > Sunset Chaser

I get in my car

and drive to the CVS

parking lot to see

if the sky will


develop from just

bands of thin white

lenticular clouds

into pure orange


belts of reflected

sunshine where

heavenly palette

then turns to pink


like a city on fire

only this time

it’s merely a canvas

for rotation’s movement


finally going purple

until nimbus return

to darkness outside

another sleeping


artwork waiting for

winds to shape

welkin again

as sun catchable


if I wake up

early enough to

point cellphone

at temporal beauty


while cars pass

away speeding

to shelter from life’s

wave to oncoming


death and end

of light show

given freely twice

daily by eye existence

11 > Not Sunday


Weeks after witnessing my son

Share afternoon smiles with

His radiant reflecting bride

Surrounded by new relatives


We are flamingos in a snow globe

Craning necks around each other

At the breakfast table as morning

Shines through the slatted window


Meanwhile three thousand miles

Away my granddaughter bites

Into a sun-like egg pancake

While a boxer watches patiently


Later in bed I see the midnight

Moon thanking stars for my current

Peaceful life my beautiful wife

Mildly Saturday snoring next to me



 FREE Four Feathers Press

Sunset Chaser by Don Kingfisher Campbell

  Don Kingfisher Campbell Sunset Chaser     a poetic libretto      ...