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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Daze of the Dead by Don Kingfisher Campbell


Don Kingfisher Campbell

Daze of the Dead


a poetic libretto



1 > A Slice of Dead Tree (1997)

2 > Room for the Dead (1997)

3 > Dead Still (1997)

4 > 2,000 Dead (2006)

5 > Semi-automatic Suicide (07 05 2015)

6 > Little Boy at the Beach (09 03 2015)

7 > Dew drops on a dead leaf (08 25 2022)

8 > Morning for the Dead (10 18 2023)

9 > the sun is burning (11 09 2024)




1 > A Slice of Dead Tree 

I am alone

in this mourning


making progress

with my arms


I want to hang

myself from a tree


--not like somebody's

wet clothes


I could try to find

the deepest part


of the stream and

become a rock


For I long to

blend with landscape


because infestation

molests what I see


Makes me desire to

tear off my clothes


eat them

remove culture


Let my hair grow

in the movement of air


let the sun take

what it wants


I'll stand

until I can't


I'll sit

until I sleep


I'll lie

sacrificing my time


to the forces

--shape me!


Help me understand

what I have to do


to be leaf

I've come here


to view grains

my fingers trace


the sand

for a direct line


I'm not just

a visitor composing


'cause you've

given me the ability


Someday I'll return

again to try to


merge into your

simple beautiful colors



2 > Room for the Dead


All these dead bodies in our room.

Books by the dead,

the soon-to-be dead,

or the someday-will-be dead.


Shoes and pants strewn on the carpet.

Marilyn Monroe hangs on the wall.

Stereo makes the dead sound alive.

TV, the dead look....

Shirt and blouse crumpled atop the dresser.

Life Fitness exercycle unused

in the night.

My wife and I in the living room




3 > Dead Still


I'm a small gray rock

lying on the dirt

beside a twisted tree

on the edge of a library

parking lot.


I've been here seven years now.

Little excitement.

Occasional pelting of rain.

Weekly gardener with a blower.

Lots of car exhaust.


I hear footsteps every day.

The babbling of humans

calms me. Reminds me

everything is temporary.

I lie and wait for change.


4 > 2,000 Dead


(a found poem in section A of the 10/26/2005 Los Angeles Times)


in the 2 1/2 year conflict. There are now 140,000 troops stationed in Iraq.

Diamond engagement rings in platinum available from $3,960 to $1,000,000

Roadside bombs are responsible for more than half of US combat deaths.

Shutters as low as $15.95 per square foot installed with free sandblasting

National Guard and Reserve units account for one third of the deaths.

Dinnerware originally created for the Czars in Russia, 5 pieces $1,000

Exxon/Mobil reports record quarterly profit of 8.7 billion dollars.

Savings of 50% and more from Dicker and Dicker Furs of Beverly Hills

International pressure on Syria: Bush says force may be necessary.

A simply beautiful bench designed by Gustav Stickley Sale $599 Retail $1,285

The Roman Catholic Church covered up sexual abuse of young by priests.

$200 off and free installation Home Closets Most credit cards accepted

Alleged slumlords donated to L.A. city attorney Rocky Delgadillo.

Halloween sales tax on most digital compacts

In Latin America the battle over legalizing abortion is heating up.

Building nest eggs since 1937, Fremont Investment and Loan


5 > Semi-automatic Suicide

When my best friend lived

Next to Lancaster we would ride

To the Walmart so we could go

Order a bag of dollar

Cheeseburgers from McDonald’s

Eat them at a table

Talk about the economy


We never got pulled over

On the way maybe

Because I was the driver


Friday night two men

Walk down Avenue K-4

To 30th St. W a residential area

With a Hellenic Center

On the corner a great place

To celebrate your day


They get stopped by gang

Unit plain clothes


Words are exchanged

One of them whips

Out an assault

Pistol from his jacket


That was all it took to start

A firing squad of detectives


His buddy ran away

In the hubbub


Deputies pick up the gun

From the lying body


Establish a perimeter

To catch a friend

Scared for his life


I made a phone call to Marvin

To give him the news


Heard him say he’s staying

Inside tonight


6 > Little Boy at the Beach


He looks like he's sleeping

Wet hair seemingly combed back


Soaked red tee shirt and blue shorts

Shoes still on


He must have been tired

Face down on the sand


Gentle waves pushed him

To the Turkish shore


The only tell-tale sign

Is the swelling of his ear


Whispering sweet dreams

Of a better world for everyone



7 > Dew drops on a dead leaf


The giant goes for a walk

under the blazing sun


The behemoth steps and steps

on long concrete sidewalk


A small insect traverses the

width of a rectangle just ahead


One gargantuan sandal darkens

the sky above the bug only briefly


It was the last thing it ever felt,

a mindless accident of location


8 > Morning for the Dead


A procession of black umbrellas across a grassy valley

To the peaked memorial mountain where a gold cross

Shines in fiery light as birds file over corpsed graves

Extended to silently reach for remembrance of illusory

Mourning in which some still believe geography divides

When we are all the same detritus feeding the ground

Only one red-covered mourner acknowledges he follows

This sad pack, observes their breathing for passing hours

The dynamic daily destruction that doesn’t need our help

We are decorated finite presences on bountiful rich land

Today he will tell them time is just a perceived measure

For a flock who forgets they merely move moments since

Nothing else waits but lives on for perpetuated endings

Filled fallow minds finally comprehending the merger


9 > the sun is beaming


red flowered bushes

open and receiving

me too I love to be

warmed as a flower

makes my skin forget

everything else going

on round this big globe

taking in the solar

seemingly invisible rays

yet I can see no matter

what we do on earth

the system will continue

long after I'm dead and

you, kinda makes me

want to hug your body

before we dissolve

back into space dust

which to think of it

we've been all along

maybe we can float

together proximate

forever past eons

Sunset Chaser by Don Kingfisher Campbell

  Don Kingfisher Campbell Sunset Chaser     a poetic libretto      ...