Create your own Poetic Libretto (16 pages of poetry and photos) and send it to Your Poetic Libretto will be posted on this site and you will be invited to perform it at a Poetic Libretto Jubilee on Saturday Afternoon Poetry's Zoom channel early next year

Friday, July 28, 2023

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Simile City by Don Kingfisher Campbell
















Simile City


A family of red roses

Cluster together

Like a solar array


A pair of parrots

Screech overhead

Like pod racers


Two honking cars

Pass in parking lot

Like dogs barking


Air conditioners

Hang out windows

Like bored citizens


A couple walk their

Pooch on the sidewalk

Vanish like settlers



The Adventures of Bao Bao and Dog Dog


She thinks we walk with a purpose

To release internal fluids and solids

This may be true, but there is

A higher inspiration: to inspire

Through the nostrils the scents

Of the sidewalk, the lawns, the world

That is the real pleasure, to appreciate

What humans cannot or will not

Focus on, the subtle joys of sniffing

Traces of urine and poopilage

Even flowers and weeds have essence

Yet, just standing in the wind

Might be the ultimate ecstasy

To feel cool air itself caress hair

Then return home to lap up water

Munch on kibble or wet food

Start the healthy cycle again

But first a thorough licking clean

Followed by a nice nap on my bed



Big Family on a Corner


Got a big screen TV today, stowed

the big cardboard box in the back of

their curb parked big black pickup truck


Couldn't fit it in the wide driveway,

there's already four big SUV's side-by-side

crowding the slightly cracked concrete


The big sideyard tent top is still up, nearby

are the black plastic tubes of mortars

that were fired during the big Fourth holiday


Four color coded trash bins have been

set out at the curb, overfilled with stuff

like any other multigenerational group


We keep walking the dog by because

they've got seven cameras perched

on the corners of their old house


Sometimes we see a white cat sitting

on a windowsill, but no more, two big

new air conditioners occupy sills now


Yesterday they had their little bulldog off

a leash, he barked and sniffed the behind

of blind Sukie until he was slapped away


They gently apologized and went on with

their familial activities; on a later walk tonight,

we just heard the television as we passed


Ars Dogma


Stop and smell the grass

That's my motto


Wait and feel the air

The ways to be alive


Let the afternoon pass

What's the rush to go home


When you've got driveway

And sidewalk to saunter


You can be a dog even

If you only have two legs


So traipse back indoors

Because you want to


Go lap up some water

Nibble some kibble


Clean up tongue style

Finish with a good nap


Then rinse repeat retrace

Those steps you made before


What a life for a canine

Or any size being living 



Scene from Edgewood Drive


An airplane crosses the sky


Irregular skyline on the horizon


Flowers near cars parked in driveways


A man sweeps the sidewalk


A woman walks her dog


An SUV passes briskly by


The hot dog stand is not open


Aftermath of a kid’s birthday party


Trash bins lined up at the curb


Sun bakes edifice of new storage building


No train on the tracks below


Cross the street if you see someone


Everyone wrapped up in their own lives


A mourning dove hoo hoos out of sight





because I saw a bright glow coming

from between the window blinds

I stepped out of my rented house


looked to the sky and envisioned

brilliant yellow ragged rams horns

of lit up cloud formations arresting


like two raised arms over the Earth

below they widened until they were

spread out like crab claws beneath


the sky crustacean an orange ocean

skirting the tree lined silhouette

horizon which led my eyes westward


to unseen millions of unknown souls

who no doubt if they were outside

took mental notes or cell phone


photos to share with the ephemeral

moving feed of creation itself

switched on not just for hue man 



Sky whispers


Wake up my eyes, clouds in the air,

Like trees reach out try to touch moisture

Clouds in the welkin dance with love

Like white dragons or flapping doves

Me and the trees can only watch and sway

Want generated winds to carry us away

Clouds stretch and become so wispy

Spirits in the baby blue get so hot and dry

Trees are a feeling audience and so am I

Some clouds finger God because they are

So fleeting, so temporary, so repetitive there

One day they are this, they know they can fly

The next they are not, I too wish and cry

Eat me ground, process me, send me high

Sunset Chaser by Don Kingfisher Campbell

  Don Kingfisher Campbell Sunset Chaser     a poetic libretto      ...